Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy 25th BesDay to Shella Blair ak Darom AKA Semut!!

I just wanna wish my old pal, an extremely Happy Happy Beshday!

She's getting older! Wait! If she is, then, i will soon! hahaha...

Will be going to PopWave for her Bday celebration and she sent me a msg => "melalak sampai pengsan" ... adeh... adaka.... Yes indeed we will! Till we get throat ulcers and bleed to death.. Eeeww.... Disgusting..


I wanna take this oppurtunity to say thank you for being my friend for the past 13 years. Although you are like chipsmore to me "Now you see it, now you don't", and like to raba and entertain me sometime by dancing and rubbing against my back when i'm standing (pretty annoying and seriously, i don't need that kinda entertainment from you)and being all sensitive and mushy2 at times, despite all that, i love you Gai... and I hope our friendship will remain till we grow old and gray... and when gravity finally takes its toll on us... *i really don't want to imagine*


Shella the blair witch... and her most humble friend, me!

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