Monday, March 14, 2011

Getting back in Shape!

I've got 2 more months to get in shape for my Bro's engagement. Don't wanna look all bloppy now do i? Hohoho.. but not only for my bro's engagement la that i wana stay in shape.. Its for me, myself and i... I feel more confident and energize... I LOIKE!

So it's like 5 days a week gym mania! hahaha....
But i notice slight changes dy, arms and legs more toned now (Anand said my body type easy to develop muscle. Hope he's right!). Thank God that the fats don't go to my tummy, just butts and thighs.. *sigh* My butt is getting bigger.. Gonna work that excess fat off! Gambatteh!

Anyhow, i still wanna thank God for the way i am... :)

Working, still sempat berangan.. Adeh..
Hehehehe... Ait.. Chiows~

1 comment:

  1. Hey where'd you get that image from. It's awesome and I'd love to use it, all legal like preferably.
